Marek Waszkiel
THE ART OF OBJECT AND PUPPET THEATRE: Between tradition and modernity.
25 January 2025​
Cornerteateret, Søylesalen
15:00 - 17:00
MAREK WASZKIEL, PhD., professor in Puppetry Art History at Warsaw Theatre Academy, vice-president of Warsaw Theatre Academy and chair in Puppet Theatre Department (Bialystok). Head of several Polish Puppet Theatres and artistic consultant (Amber Theatre in Shenzhen, China). President of UNIMA-Poland and member of the executive committee of UNIMA International.
Collaborates with many puppet theatres, puppetry schools and festivals in several countries as lecturer, organizer of different events and puppetry art consultant.
Collaborates with the Polish Academy of Science Institute (PAN, Warsaw)
Editor of the quarterly Pamiętnik Teatralny. Published studies and articles about puppet theatre in Poland and all over the world.
Two parts:
talk about the puppetry art :
Former traditional forms as stick puppets, rod puppets etc.
Present traditional forms that still exist: hand puppets, shadows and marionettes
New tendencies in the contemporary puppetry art; actor-puppet interplay, animant – the new term of contemporary puppets.
This part will be illustrated by the photos.
2. Short film – a collection of excerpts from the essential performances by 21st-century puppetry art masters, such as Neville Tranter, Hoichi Okamoto, Frank Soehnle, Duda Paiva, Ilka Schönbein, Kevin Augustin, Yngvild Aspeli, Zero en Conducta and Handspring Puppet Company.